Learn How To Unglue Yourself From Glucose ( SUGAR )
For your new SUGAR free carnivore life!
Pickleball Equipment!
If your answers are YES GET UNGLUED
I’m the one who refills the office candy bowl and surprises my team with donuts.
I know that animal fat is bad for me.
I have two pill-organizers, one for breakfast and one for bedtime.
I consume alcohol at social gatherings. Okay, at least once a day.
By Dr. Rick Jacoby
And teach you what IS actually GOOD to eat!
Dr. Jacoby received his undergraduate education at Rowan University in New Jersey, his post graduate education at Villanova University in Pennsylvania and attended medical school at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia, graduating in 1969.
If you have DIABETES, this course will change everything for you!
If you THINK you are eating right as a VEGAN, this course will change your mind!
Learn how even carbs are not so great for you and what you can do about it!
Dr. Rick Jacoby
get off SUGAR and LIVE well.